Saturday 31 December 2011

::: welcoming 2012 :::

To be honest im not a good writer n not even a good poet bhahha ( perasaan dowh). But since everyone is writing n posting  wut they want, what are they wishing for this coming 2012, makes me want to write a bit bout it (damn pathetic). Starting with wut i've had gone through in 2011. Well ummhh... it seems to me that 2011 wasn't  a good year for me. It did left me with lots of sadness ........ cant even think of a word to describe it. At this moment all the memories are doing a great job by playing themselves like im watching tv series or movies (secara marathon). Even now duduk dan type facing the wall pown da macam watching movies kt big screen (ala mcm kat kedai mamak tuh). Too much ( ) n im even thinking of putting some footnotes.  It clearly shows that betapa teruknya penulisan hamba Allah ini. (hate my self).  sigh....!!!! get back to the main story lorrr... urmmm manusia mana yang hidup xde masalah kat dunia niey kan?? siapa yang mampu hidup bahagia tanpa dugaan. Bersyukurlah kerana Allah menimpakan kita dengan masalah. Things happen for a reason. with all the hardship u've gone through in ur life will make u become a better person. Insyallah la if u take that as a lesson. kalau jadi macam mencurah air ke daun keladi duduk jela kat tepi paya or tepi longkang tuh sampai bila2. ahhahhaha... people learn through experiences and people do change from it too. For me i should think of how to make a move. I hate myself for still living in the past n hoping for a miracle to knock on my door. owh naahhh plz tears dun play ur role now, i'm writing. cant u see that? damn u..!!

Banyak benda nak cerita but dunno how to put it into writing. this is why i hate exams.So many things to write will end up with all shits on my answer sheets... woahhh "shits and sheets" cool =)  bhahahah....?? I did mentioned that things happen for a reason rite? well it actually does.I thank Allah untuk semua-semua yang ditimpaakan ke atas diri ini. kalau tidak..... diri ini masih hidup dengan kembongkakkan mendabik dada hingga lupa asal dan tanggungjawab sebagai khalifah di bumi ini. Hidup tidak pernah melahirkan rasa kesyukuran setiap kali bangkit dari tidur melambangkan siapa aku yang sebelumnya. Yang ada hanya luahan dan keluhan tidak sekelumit rase tahu bersyukur. Sifat manusia tidak pernah tahu bersyukur. So here i would like to thank to those who came into my life and left me just like that. Sebab tanpa mu hidup ini xmenarik. Some said " Allah mendatangkan seseorang itu dalam kehidupan kita ada sebabnya walaupuan hanya 2minit" (isu nye skang knape 2 minit?? nape bukan 1 saat?? ooo...mungkin 2 minit adalah masa yang ckp untuk mengetahui nama n tgglkan kenangan. kalo 1 saat ape yg kau nak ingat lenny??). For those yg still here by my side thank u for ur support, thank u for always be there for me, thank u for making me realize that yang aku niey xde la sorang2 pown hahhahahah.... those who will come into my life plssss be prepared because "good girl gone bad" (sbb lagu ini sedang dimainkan di laptop) cehcechehe....

I was thinking of spending my last 2011 at look up point in ampang reminiscing, but i end up to just stay in my room. Do i really need to go out??? reminiscing dalam bilik pown ok what?? bhahahha.... u'll become 23 next year dah tua kowt.. childish sgt nak keluar and celebrate new year. no feeling at all. dari kecik dah salu sgt kuar celebrate (sebab dulu kalo xkuar celebrate NY xcool). so now dah xde feeling nak terkinja-kinja tgk fireworks bagai... thanks to mama for letting me experienced all those things dari kecik. bila dah besar niey dah xrase apa sgt... see i told ya!!some things happen for a reason. (ok kau merepek ape nieyh -___-). For this coming 2012, im hoping for a great fantastic year ahead. dear mr. sadness plz do leave me as wut 2011 will do in few hours. i really am welcoming mr happiness to be my life partner yeayyy!!!but hey, the love  will still remain there. terpasak jauh ke lubuk hati masih menanti janji kosong yang terpatri ...(again damn u mr sadness interfering in my wrinting). Suddenly theory nasi lemak kimi just came into picture " sesorang akan mengatakan dia dah jumpa nasi lemak terbaik sehingglah dia jumpa yang lagi sedap" (-.-). 2012 adalah tahun to build my career heee =D.berazam untuk lebih produktif n bersungguh2 sambil tidak lupa akan tanggungjawab kepada agama, keluarga, negara, bangsa dan dunia. THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. 


P/S:  having cherry berry at the very last hour of 2011 will not make a good start of 2012 i guess...

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